Fly Baby Fly
Okay, I was all set to wait until Thursday to begin my baby steps. I thought if I was going to do it right I needed to clean the kitchen sink and I needed to have the kitchen sink to myself to do that.

Then I started searching for fly lady related blogs using Google Blog Search. I found some good ones and started following. I read one in particular (which I can't follow using blogger) that got me off my butt. She said " If you aren't willing to try something new then you aren't ready to try something new."

But I read it as: If you aren't willing to try something new then you aren't ready for change.

And I got to thinking... do I really want to change? And I thought about all of my frustrations living in CHAOtic mess. My feelings of guilt for having waited so long, for failing over and over. That's when I realized... yes I want to change. I want to live in a peaceful home, a tidy home, a home where I can have people over for a dinner party just because I want to.

I also read a comment on the post that mentioned that you need to find your own "sink." It might be the actual sink for some people (like the Fly Lady) but that motivating area might be different for other people. I suspect that something other than the kitchen sink might be my thing, but I am not sure and until I find it, I like the structure of being told, clean your sink!

Now, since the kitchen sink is pretty much always clean between my mom and her husband, I chose to do my bathroom... let's face it, it needed it. Now I know that Fly Lady has a lesson on how to shine your sink, but it involves using bleach and letting it sit for half an hour. With two very curious cats, one who loves to play in water (I know he's weird!) I didn't want to leave bleach in my sinks for any length of time. I'm also a big proponent of using cleaners that are chemical free and natural, which means I don't have traditional scouring cleanser. Instead, I used vinegar to soak, and baking soda to scrub. It worked great!

No before picture sorry :(

But here are my shiny bathroom sinks after:

There are some nicks in the ceramic that are showing up quite dark in the pictures, but rest assured they are shiny and clean.

A couple of nice side effects. Once the sinks were clean, I went ahead and hand washed some delicate clothes that have sitting on the counter for months and the areas around the counter mysteriously got a little cleaner/tidier too. I noticed that this morning. Who knew that a shiny sink would unconsciously get me to put things away too? A very nice side effect indeed.

So that is Day 1 Go Shine Your Sink! finished and crossed off my calendar. Feels great!
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