Fly Baby Fly
Day 3 is reinforcing what we've done the last two days: shining the sink, and getting dressed to shoes.

This morning I woke up, made the bed, got dressed and worked out. I think that qualifies as getting dressed to shoes. Then I showered, dressed for work and ate breakfast (and fed the cats). I had time for a little bit of make up, but not really the extent that I'd like. I made the sacrifice because I KNEW I'd be late if I did a full face and with meetings at 9:30, 10, and 11 I needed all the prep time I could get. So, it was eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Which goes a long way to making me feel more pulled together.

It was good thing I kept it quick, because as I was cleaning the litter box 5 minutes before it was time to go (I've timed it, it only takes me 4 minutes) I heard a crash from the kitchen. My cat that is obsessed with water had gotten on the table and knocked over my water glass, which then broke. So, I spent the next five minutes cleaning up water and shards of glass. He wasn't hurt luckily (no shards in his paws). Then after finishing the litter box, I had to put the broken glass safely in the recycling bin. Needless to say I was late leaving the house! Traffic was good though and I was only 5 minutes late to work.

I am looking forward to Friday when I don't have to be anywhere until 12:30. I am going to go through my morning routine leisurely to find out how long it really takes.

The second part of day 3 I will do tonight. But the sinks were looking pretty good this morning.

Day three also introduces Big which is where the flylady has news, events and testimonials. It's where challenges are posted, the monthly focus, and weekly zone reminders.

I have to admit that in the past I have not utilized the website, emails, big tent the way I should. I get annoyed with the product placement (I'm sure they are wonderful, but do I really need to have an over priced feather duster shipped to my house to get things done around the house when a rag or a swiffer can do it just as well and as fast?). And I am really turned off by the god breezes (or whatever they are called). I'm not religious and hearing house cleaning called "home blessing" activates my gag reflex. I get that having a clean home will give me peace of mind and relieve a lot of stress in my life, but I rankle at the overt christianity in it.

But... the nice thing about Big Tent is that when I click on news I can read just the information I want and it doesn't clog my in box! I get a digest (Big Tent Blink), but I don't read it. I just log in and read what I need.

I will say that the testimonials are encouraging. Maybe someday I'll get to write one too.
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