Fly Baby Fly
This is the hardest step for me.

Are you hearing any of those nagging negative voices popping into your head? I want you to take a piece of paper and write down what you hear then I want you to turn those ugly words around and say something nice to yourself to negate the ugly words that they said.

I have tried doing the baby steps probably three to four times since I found Flylady at the end of 2007. I must admit I don't always do this step. It's hard to admit the negative voices. It's also equally hard to turn them around.

Truthfuly many of my negative voices belong to other people. My mother always made excuses for my mess. Because I was a teenager, or that I "came by it naturally" meaning my father was messy therefore it was natural for me to be messy too. My boyfriend says repeatedly that every woman he knows is cluttered and messy.

There are of course my voice is in there too. Mostly it is guilt. I have tried so often I feel that I am hardwired to fail. I'm sad because, I can't seem to achieve my goals. A year ago I adopted 2 kittens from a Human Shelter. I discovered quickly that my home was not baby proof or kitten proof. I read a number of organizing books. I really liked Julie Morgenstern's Organizing from the Inside Outside Out and SHED, when organizing isn't enough. I even tried the SHE method of note cards (the modified version, which has a card for all daily activities, weekly etc, rather than 1 card per activity). Here I am a year later.... I am no more organized, clean or decluttered than I was then. Though, yes, I did kitten proof the house!

I think that's why subconsciously I was "too busy" to do this yesterday. I knew it was going to be difficult, but all I can hope is that as I do it over this month maybe it'll be easier and easier. This is part of FLYing Finally Loving Yourself.

Here we go!

Negative thoughts I hear:
I am lazy. I am a slob. I won't ever be able to be neat, tidy, clean or organized. So there's no point in even trying.

Turn it around:
I didn't get this way over night, and I won't fix it over night either. It's okay to take baby steps. We all have to start somewhere. I am smart and ambitious. Being a procrastinator is not the same as being lazy, and it is something that I can learn to over come also. I may be cluttered, but I am not a slob and I am not dirty. I keep myself very well put together looking nice and clean. I
learn to do this with my home also. It is okay to give things your best shot, even if it's not perfect. Giving up is the only real failure.

Whoo! Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. And, honestly, I do feel a little bit better now : )

I taped my list to my refridgerator so that I can look at it and remind myself everyday that I can do this.

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