Fly Baby Fly
I discovered about 3 years ago. Since then I have tried off and on to follow the babysteps. If you're not familiar with the FlyLady click here to check out her website. The info is free, though, she does sell some items on her website and does have a couple of books out - Sink Reflections and Body Clutter. It's has great tools for the disorganized person - which is me. The great part about it - FlyLady has been there. She's not one of those organized people who says "just do it like this" This usually being the way they do things. No, she's been cluttered and messy, and her tools are really flexible to what works for individuals and their situation.

I've never been able to stick to the Baby Steps for more than a couple of weeks (probably more like 10 days or less). But I am determined this time to do it.

First of all a little bit about me:

I'm a "boomerang kid." Yep, I kind of hate to admit it, but I live with my mother and her husband even though I just turned 31. In November of 2007 I lost my job. I moved into a cheaper apartment than what I originally had and even got a roommate. Things were okay for 6 months (even though I had a wicked bought of bronchitis for 2 months) when one balmy April morning I walked out of the shower and had a stare-down with a cockroach. So much for a cheap apartment. After multiple exterminators and calls to the landlord, I called my mom and asked to come home. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I am not used to asking for anything and as a professional woman I never thought I'd have to move back "home" again.

After a few more months of looking I finally landed a few part-time jobs at different universities around me starting September 2008. Since then I have settled on just one part-time job (one other was not for me - teaching; and the third was too far of a commute to justify the time, gas, and parking) in my regular profession, and I am currently also going to school online with the hopes of either changing careers or starting a free-lance business.
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