Fly Baby Fly
Since school I have never really had routines. Even living on my own I was always a bit messy. I would love to be organized. In fact I am in love with organizers. Any type of product including planners and furniture, I just love. Never take me to an office supply store I could be there everywhere. I'm also a procrastinator. It's hard for me to say "just do it now" because frankly there is always something else I would rather be doing "now" and I save what I should be doing for "later" (or the last minute as the case may be).

In my other endeavors to follow the FlyLady baby steps I have picked up a few things. Like:
  • making the bed - I don't do it everyday, but when I do I instantly feel better about my surroundings. Even if it's the only neat thing in my room, it's a nice sight.
  • Dressing to shoes - even if I just put on a sun dress and sandals then sit around the house to watch tv or do homework, getting dressed means I know that my day has started and something will get done.
  • Picking out tomorrow's clothes - I try for the most part to really select what I am going to wear, but sometimes it ends up being a mental exercise. Usually even this saves me time in the morning, but the worst part is when I can't find what I mentally noted.
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