Fly Baby Fly
Day 18 Read Fly Lady's Eleven Commandments I should have kept #4 in mind yesterday and not gotten sidetracked by the computer or the tv.

Day 19 Read this testimonial. ::: spoiler alter! ::: It's about a woman who compares her home to a wonderful Bed and Breakfast all thanks to the fly lady. Frankly, I don't know that that will ever be the case for me - at least not while I'm working and taking care of my mother's house. Once I have a place of my own, I might feel differently.

Day 20 Include laundry in your daily routine. I did do a couple of loads yesterday I added it to my BBR. Just to sort out one load (when there's enough dirty, it is just me after all) to be done as part of my afternoon routine. I took the sheets off my bed and put them in the hamper ready to washed in the afternoon. Since Laundry is the focus of the month of August, it has been on my mind and a little easier to incorporate. I also love having a hamper in my bathroom - I don't have any more clothes on the floor of the bathroom now, everything I take off in there goes straight into the hamper!

Day 21 Check out Ask Flylady. It's a section of her website where she answers follower's questions.

Day 22 Where's your control journal. Okay, so yeah, I have to admit to being a bit on auto pilot with my routines. Now that I know what needs to be done I haven't been checking my binder or my phone app. But I should make that a routine as well, so I don't miss things. She reminds us not to procrastinate making one out of perfectionism, and sells one if you don't want to make one, and has lessons on putting it together if you do.
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