Fly Baby Fly
So, right about now is when I normally start to fail at the Baby Steps. Right about now, half way through, there is alot of reinforcement for the routines, and not as much in the way of adding to them. That's a little harder for me because I do really well when someone gives me instructions to follow. I just have to keep remembering that my Routines are my instructions. They just happen to also come from me :)

Catching up with my babysteps (I have been doing them!):

Day 10 says you can do anything for 15 minutes! For me this was a repeat of Day 9. Reading back on it, though Day 9 doesn't say as much, I think she intends you to declutter for 5 minutes as a room rescue (it could be worded better). Oh well, it just meant that I was on Day 2 of decluttering my bedroom in 15 minute increments.

Here is the second day of 15 minutes in my bedroom. I got the top half of one desk unit cleared. Now there is room for my family photos!

Day 11 asks that you add inspirational quotes to your Control Journal. I admit to having skipped this one in the past. And I nearly did again, but as I was checking my Color Notes app for my evening routine, I thought, I can add inspiration notes to this. So I did. My inspiring quotes are:

Reduce stress, Do it Now!
Organization is a process not an event.
Don't give up!

"Don't give up," has been on my fridge since Baby Step 5, write what you hear. "Reduce stress" is one that I picked up from a Julie Morgenstern book, I think it was Time Management from the Inside Out. "Organization is a process", I actually heard said about Democracy on BBC news, from the son of the man who led Kenya to Independence in 1963. I don't think he was the one who originally said it, but either way it struck a chord. Things don't happen over night. People are a work in progress. I am a work in progress and so is my journey to clean, tidy, organized home.

Day 12 says to delete FlyLady emails. Here's another example of where the website needs a little spruce up. There are no FlyLady emails anymore, unless you count the Big Tent emails. I usually delete those as they come in, since I am going to Big Tent on a daily basis, as per my Morning Routine. But, whatever. I did get a my weekly Big Tent Blink, and I deleted it as instructed.

Today was Day 13. Pick one of Kelly's missions and do it. Now, I really know, that I have come farther in my Flylady journey this time than my previous attempts, because I really didn't know what a Kelly mission was going to be. I thought it was going to be some monumental task and I was gearing up for some thing big. Only to discover, that it's just Zone work. I was actually really happy about this. I had wanted to jump into Zone work earlier in the week, but I just couldn't fit it in. It was sort of a crazy week trying to help my boyfriend get ready for a 10 day work trip to Europe. So, I dutifully put my timer on for 15 minutes and cleaned my entrance ways. Yep, I have 2. The normal one I use is through the garage door and laundry room. So I spruced that up by picking up the shoes, and clutter that doesn't belong in the entry way. And then I swept the front door foyer area. I was done just as my timer went off and it felt great to be done!
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