Fly Baby Fly
What's for dinner?

I admit to having a real problem with this one. I always have breakfast and lunches made ahead of time so that I don't have to think too much in the morning. I just heat up breakfast and make coffee, and grab a lunch out of the freezer (usually soup or chili, sometimes pasta - depends on what I made over the weekend).

But dinner? That is always a last minute effort. I used to be great about having frozen veggies and veggie burgers on hand to make quick meals. But I recently gave up processed foods (most things that come in a box or a bag). I still go for the frozen veggies because they are convenient.

Meal planning is not something I've never done. I hear about it everywhere. But I just can't seem to make a decision ahead of time about what I'm going to eat for dinner. The few times I do plan ahead and buy ingredients it's days, sometimes a week, before I get around to making that dish.

Needless to say... this is a babystep I will be working on for awhile.
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