Fly Baby Fly
Okay, so the bedroom decluttering is done. It needs a good vacuuming, but otherwise it is clean and has stayed clean.

Here's a little video tour:

The next step in decluttering is the "home office." I put that in quotes because it's such a disaster area I haven't used it for that in weeks. It also serves as a sewing room. My cutting table, sewing machine, and other sewing necessities are there. And to top that all off, my practice keyboard is there - on the cutting table - because I don't have a keyboard stand. Once I have it decluttered I hope to be able to organize it into two distinct areas - sewing/crafting and office. One of my goal rewards will be buying a keyboard stand so that it can be rehomed in another room.

The office Before:

The Entrance

The book case

The desk/work area

I didn't even exaggerate here there really is that much crap in boxes and on the floor and just piled haphazardly around. No wonder I can't use it as an office or sewing room.

After 3 days of 15 minute decluttering sessions these areas now look like:

The entrance (the boxes hold holiday stuff that will be rehomed eventually)

The bookcase: In the corner there is a "dream board" that I created (there are pictures of nice clean tidy apartments!) that I haven't found a good place to hang yet. Another of my goal rewards is to decorate with framed pictures, so I am not sure where that is going to get placed in the end. And the cats are loving all the free space to explore!

The desk/work area : look room for my computer! And all those papers neatly filed into a box!

It did take me slightly longer than 45 minutes however. Because I had so much in the "put away" box. I did that in 15 minute increments too. Alot of it had to be sorted and put away into the file folder box. Some electronics and photo cds had to be sorted and put away into to the plastic tubs.
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