Fly Baby Fly
Well, I've been flying (fluttering) for just over 3 weeks now. It feels great. And I'm starting to expect tidy uncluttered rooms in my house. I feel like it won't be long now, before I can start adding more to my routines so that I can add "clean" to my adjectives.

I will admit my routines fell by the way side a little bit this weekend and again yesterday. On Saturday I was out very late with a friend who is due in the next couple of weeks to leave the country for a whole year.

Sunday, I ended up being kind of lazy. My morning routine is hard to get through when I don't have the deadline of driving to work. Everything does get done, but I take my sweet time about it.

Yesterday I got too caught up with trying to work on my "office." The last 15 minute declutter I did a while ago, unearthed a number items - cds, cd-roms, and mystery discs - that needed action before they could be put away. So I stacked them on desk completely recluttering it. Since the Home Office is in the Zone this week I decided to jump right in to clearing off my desk next to the computer - a.k.a. that pile of discs.

Lesson learned: use the timer! I ended up taking the pile of discs and my laptop to the tv room, and watching some shows I had been saving. 3 hours (!) later I looked up and realized I had to eat, made dinner, and went right back to it. I got through the pile (save for 3 that require special cleaning)- and all of the cds either had a home (in a storage bin, blank ones in a drawer) or were thrown out. So that part is good, the bad part - I ended up wasting my whole afternoon. I didn't get my weekly job done - cleaning out the fridge, taking trash and recycling to the curb - and I didn't start my BBR until 11 which is bed time. So I got to bed late and up late.

Thankfully, I have my morning routine down pat, and I have my clothes picked out for the whole week on Sunday, that I was out the door exactly on time this morning. But if I had set my timer and only done 15 minutes, and alternated with my other jobs, and watching tv for 15 min as a reward I think I would have been in better shape. Sure I probably wouldn't have gotten through every disc, but I think my sleep would have been worth it.

As always though, I am keeping up with my Fly Lady Baby Steps.
Today is Day 23: Set your afternoon routine. I've actually been pretty good with this one for the most part. I get home, change, clean out my lunch bag and put the containers in the dishwasher. I have a snack and read for 15 minutes, then clean the litter box, and start to declutter or do whatever job I've assigned that day of the week, work out, make dinner. Then it's relax or homework and then my BBR. If I'm going out that night, or staying with my boyfriend, I will usually do most of BBR before leaving the house.
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