Fly Baby Fly
Once again my routines didn't go so well this morning or last night. I walked in the door after work and running errands to my boyfriend calling and wanting to take advantage of the nice weather to do something outside. I did what I could of my afternoon routine and then headed out the door. I realized that because I had not taken a list with me afterwork I hadn't done all of my errands and I will need to make a special trip today (the cats are low on litter and it won't last another day).

This morning I took too long in getting ready and didn't have enough time to finish my regular routine. I realize that if I want to keep up my routines, I need to make some hard choices about when my BF and I get together at his place and/or wake up ealier. I think having him stay over more often is definitely on the list (don't tell my mom!).

Swish and Swipe was today's Baby Step. Basically in your routine you swish out the toilet bowl with a brush and wipe down the counters with a rag. In theory I like this step, but I don't know that the toilets will get done every day. For starters there is only one toilet brush for three bathrooms in the house. That and I HATE to clean toilets. It's easy with a brush and all but I'd rather scrub a bathtub, or windows or anything else. So, I will definitely do the swipe part, but the swish is going to be a weekly job where I will swish all the toilets in succession and be done with it.
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